Travelling In The Era of COVID-19

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Mask? Check. Passport? Check. Vaccine? Wait, what?

Hitting the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 is no reason to celebrate. Like our clients, our staff is eager to be able to travel to different parts of the world again.

A year ago, no one could have imagined that we would be living in a “mandatory mask” world. Eighteen months ago, no one could have guessed that “no shirt, no shoes, no service” signs would be replaced with “no mask, no service” signs. And yet, here we are. As we start to look forward to a time when we can all safely travel again, we wonder what that will look like.

Air industry staff have shared with us that the flying experience is quite safe. Air purifiers protect against airborne virus inhalation and masks are mandatory.

Canada has recently announced their vaccine rollout schedule, and with the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine now within reach, we wonder whether mandatory vaccinations will be added to the list of travel requirements.

International travellers will be familiar with travel vaccines for many destinations. Travellers to many parts of South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa routinely visit their doctors for pre-travel vaccinations for a variety of ailments including polio, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, hepatitis, and shingles. It’s quite possible that a mandatory vaccine for COVID-19 could be added to this list (Pitrelli, 2021).

We miss seeing our clients at the wickets! We can’t wait until travel resumes so that we can vicariously travel the world through our clients’ stories. If you have any questions, our friendly staff is always happy to help. Please contact us here.

Pitrelli, M. 2021. No Vaccine, No Service: How Vaccinations May Affect Travel Plans in the Future. CNBC.

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