Have you ever found yourself confronted with unexpected expenses when you’re on vacation? Are the tax policies of different countries adding a layer of complexity to your trip budgeting? [...]
The Currency Converters Blog
Read our latest blogs to learn more about the best practices for currency exchange, wire transfers, traveling with money, and doing business internationally.
Travelling to new destinations is an exciting opportunity to explore different cultures, try new foods, and immerse yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. One aspect of travel that often leaves [...]
Investing in currency can be an appealing option for those seeking to diversify their investment portfolio. However, it’s important to note that currency markets can be volatile and [...]
Technology can be pretty amazing, especially when it comes to travel. There’s an app for almost everything now, which can help to cut out the “middleman” in almost every area of travel. We’ve [...]
Buying a property in a different country can be an exciting prospect for many homeowners in Ontario. From the sunny beaches of Florida to the charming streets of Portugal, owning a home abroad [...]
Planning a holiday in Cuba? Before your getaway, make sure you’re up-to-date on their currency! To ensure that Canadians have the best possible experience once they arrive in this gorgeous [...]
For many of us, most of our daily transactions are paid for with debit and credit cards. However, when travelling abroad, is cash still the best option? In this blog, we provide 10 tips for [...]
When you’re an international student, there are a lot of things to think about — from getting your student visa to finding housing and, of course, paying for school. One of the most [...]
Rental scams are on the rise, and the last thing that you want is to fall victim to one when you’re searching for a place to live. Here are the warning signs to watch for and how to take [...]
Last year, The Bank of England announced that it would be phasing out the use of paper £20 and £50 banknotes, and after September 30, 2022 they will no longer be accepted as legal tender. Why is [...]