COVID-19 & Cash: Dirty Money

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It’s no secret that money is dirty. If you’ve ever handled a lot of money, you know the feeling it leaves behind on your hands. However, you probably never expected that cashiers would shudder at the sight of it or that it would be widely banned during a global pandemic. We’re taking a look at whether or not cash can carry COVID-19 and if you should consider going paperless.

WHO Knew?

Many retailers have stopped accepting cash for the time being, or are promoting the use of Interac and credit card payments instead — but the World Health Organization (WHO) insists that cash can not spread Coronavirus.

“Cash is known to carry a lot of bacteria and viruses…You should always wash your hands after handling cash and before eating or touching your mouth, nose and eyes,” said Margaret Harris, a spokesperson for WHO.

Having said this, evidence shows that the risks posed by cash are not any greater than other surfaces we touch daily including doorknobs and handrails.

What About China?

At the height of its battle with COVID-19, The People’s Bank of China disinfected all their cash and kept it out of circulation for at least 14 days. Whether or not this is necessary can’t be said, but China isn’t the only country taking extra precautions.

Plastic Money For The Win

Canada might be the butt of many jokes for having colourful, plastic money, however, it’s coming in handy right now. Canadians have been spotted online posting pictures and videos of themselves scrubbing their polymer bills with soap and water. Now, who’s having the last laugh?

Use Common Sense

When you’re out in public and paying for goods, do your best to minimize your exposure to germs. Wear a mask and gloves, be diligent with hand sanitizer, and most importantly, use common sense in all interactions. Avoid touching your face or cross-contamination by leaving your phone in the car and washing your hands often.

At Currency Converters, we have taken extra precautions in-store to help keep everyone safe.

For up-to-date information, join our monthly newsletter here and check our website for more information about our hours of operation and services during this time. Please feel free to reach out to us directly if you have any questions.

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