How Different Will Future Travel Be?

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As the world slowly — and very cautiously — prepares to return to normal, many globetrotters are wondering how different future travel will be. While it’s important that we adjust to a “new normal”, I am very optimistic that travel will resume and be just as enjoyable as it once was. In this blog, I outline how travelling will be different as we recover from a global pandemic.

The Lasting Impact of COVID-19

As airlines slowly ramp up their flight schedules once again, there will certainly be added precautions and very strict hygiene measures to protect passengers and crews. Just as North American travel was forever changed after 911, I think that it’s safe to say that the Coronavirus will have a lasting impact as well. Behaviours that were judged as “germaphobic” will now be considered the norm when travelling. This will include wearing a mask in airports and on flights, having your temperature taken before boarding, and diligent hygiene and sanitizing of airplanes by both the airline and by discerning passengers when taking their seats. Personally, I am more than happy to comply with these precautions and preventive measures.

Driving Instead Of Flying

Where possible, driving will become the preferred mode of transportation. I would wager a bet that more people will change their international travel plans to domestic destinations, or places that they can easily drive to. Who doesn’t love a good road trip, anyway?

Rethinking Cruise Ships

It probably comes as no surprise that the cruise industry has been hard-hit during this global pandemic. The images and news stories of thousands of people stuck on ships for weeks, confined to their tiny rooms will haunt many travellers. Eventually, time will heal all wounds and people will begin to cruise again, but it could be some time before most are willing to return to cruising the seas as their vacation of choice.

Home Rentals Vs Hotels

Private home rentals through websites like Airbnb, VRBO, and the like, will prevail over hostels and hotels for the foreseeable future. Airbnb, for example, has added a Coronavirus cleaning protocol and 24-hour buffer in between rentals to help stop the spread. Hotels have also implemented increased cleaning measures, but there are more shared spaces, like elevators and lobbies, where many people will come and go at once.

Taking A Second Look At Travel Insurance

Thousands of people are currently embattled with their insurance companies as they try to receive credits and refunds for cancelled trips. Most insurance companies will no longer provide any coverage for trips affected by COVID-19, and it’s hard to predict how long this could last. Booking a trip right now brings many unknowns, and it’s important to do your research and take a really deep look into your insurance coverage to find out if you’re appropriately protected.

As someone who loves to travel, I will remain positive and look forward to a time when travel will resume as a new kind of “normal.”

Do you love to travel? How has COVID-19 affected your plans? Let me know in the comments below!

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